The typical business network will contain quite a few critical assets that need to be protected, which means that you need to seriously consider anything you add to that network. Take the wireless network that your business uses–how secure is it, and how well does it work? Well, we have a few ways that you can ensure that the answer to both these questions is “well.”
When all is said and done, the fundamental question you need to answer is which software and hardware you’re going to use to support the wireless network your business will rely upon. Naturally, a modem and router are going to be required, and in some cases, a network switch. You will need the cabling to connect the necessary parts to make the network work, and if your space is large enough to warrant one, a Wi-FI extender.
There are some other considerations that you need to take into account as well:
- Avoid the consumer level. Networking equipment comes in different “grades,” including commercial and enterprise. Stick to those, rather than the consumer level, to make sure your inherent security capabilities are appropriate for handling sensitive information.
- Redundancy is a good thing. In the case of your IT, redundancy equates to reliability, which is what you want in case of a disaster. Keeping a data backup as a part of a comprehensive Backup and Disaster recovery platform will give you the resources you need to bounce back.
- Look to the future. As your business grows, how simple will it be to scale your wireless capability to match? Depending on your market and operational industry, there are assorted considerations to keep in mind here as well.
For assistance with any of these questions, you can always turn to the professionals at COMPANYNAME. Give us a call today to discuss your needs. Reach out at PHONENUMBER.